Alpha 1: Мусорщик Raiders

Строительство a forward base

Time limit: unlimited

As may be expected, the first stage of this game is fairly easy. Wouldn't want to get people to quit playing before they begin. ;)

You should start with three Trucks and four Пулемёт Гадюка Колёса tanks.

Not much of a base, eh? You'll have to build one yourself. Start by building a Командный центр, a Завод, a Генератор энергии, and a Исследовательская лаборатория. As long as you don't go to far to the east, no one will attack you.

Once you move a truck to the east to build an oil derrick, however, small groups of Мусорщики will begin to attack you. Your MG Vipers will have no trouble defeating them. Nonetheless, begin manufacturing some additional MG Vipers to assist them.

Once you have dealt with the scavengers right outside your base, it's time to start exploring. Производство eight MG Гадюка Колёса, then send them north and east of your current position to attack the nearest scavenger settlement.

Once you have defeated this settlement (which shouldn't be very difficult), you'll find an artifact. Pick it up (click on it) and research it at your Исследовательская лаборатория. When the oil resource cools down, build an oil derrick there, too; it'll give you more money.

Усиленные пули$18
  • Улучшения machinegun damage to 130%

You will want to recycle and rebuild any tanks that are in red or yellow health (don't worry, by the end of this stage, the option to repair vehicles will be available, so this whole repair-rebuild process isn't permanent).

Once your 8 tanks are battle ready again, head north.

Another small base; you should be able to destroy it easily. Upon demolition of this base, you will get the artifact for the Огнемёт turret. Using it or not is your preference; it will work very well in upcoming stages against almost anything, but its short range means it will also get most of the enemy fire centered on it, and its low HP means it will die quickly. By the time you find heavier bodies and armor to supply it with, you will also have other weapons you might like more, so.... as I said, use it or don't.


Again, recycle and rebuild your units, and get ready to move west.

This is the first time your units face a credible danger of being lost; be sure they are set to retreat at some level of damage (for now, Retreat at Low Урон is enough).

Once the base goes down, you will get a very useful artifact: the MG guard tower – your first defensive structure. Although it's called a Пулеметная башня, it has a Тяжелый пулемёт on it, and will do more damage than your Пулемёт tanks.

Пулеметная башня$18

And now, it's time for the last base.

You'll want to avoid those flamer towers – they do high damage if you get close, but are harmless as long as you shoot them from far away.

You'll notice one of the buildings is circled. Don't shoot it. Order your units to Не стрелять so they only shoot things you explicitly tell them to attack, and destroy all the other buildings.

  • Улучшения construction speed to 110%
* Мобильная ремонтная башня$18
* Танковая ловушка$18

Since there's still one enemy building left, the game won't end, and you can use your free time to research all of this. Строительство a repair turret tank, and repair all of your damaged units (no need to recycle again!) Now's your time to relax, build oil derricks anywhere you need to, and maybe fortify the southern edge a bit.

Once you're ready, move all your units to the southern end, destroy the last structure with a tank or tower, and it's time for Alpha 2!

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