Gamma 2: Destroy missile site

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You begin this mission at your main base. You have 70 minutes to complete your objective. Загрузить a truck and nine combat units aboard the transport and take off. Once you land, group the combat units and have them secure the area while the truck builds a Ремонтная мастерская. Immediately call in more combat units as reinforcements. It takes three minutes for them to arrive, so the sooner you load them up, the sooner they'll get there.

After you build the Ремонтная мастерская, construct some defensive structures, and even some Гаубица emplacements and Ripple Rocket batteries. Then build CB and Sensor towers west of the LZ. This will help protect your LZ against enemy attacks. Continue sending in reinforcements as quickly as you can.

To the Missiles

When you have at least three groups of combat units, begin sending them to take out the NEXUS emplacements between the LZ and the enemy base. First, attack emplacements in the middle of the map. Have your units return for repairs automatically; that way you can regroup the repaired units quickly to continue the pressure on the enemy. With the midfield of the map clear, it's time to begin the assault on the enemy base. It's a good idea to send a group of VTOLs to help out during the big attack. To prepare for them, your combat groups must take out all the SAM sites around the outside of the base. Have an entire group target each SAM until it's destroyed, and then attack the next. Your truck should build Rearming Pads for the VTOLs near the LZ.

When the VTOLs arrive, use them to take out the two remaining SAM sites inside the enemy base. Then order them to destroy the three factories there. This prevents the enemy from producing more units. Another help to your assault is a bombardment group. Send one in and use it to attack the Rail Towers along the walls. Keep a couple of combat groups close at hand to deal with the enemy units that sally forth to attack your artillery.

When the wall defenses on both sides are in ruins, it's time to rush the base. Using no fewer then 20 combat units, clear the enemy units inside. The four missile silos around the Радар Tower are very difficult to destroy with combat units only. Your bombardment group is perfect for the job, however. Order all units to attack one silo at a time. They repair during the attack, so the faster you inflict damage, the less time it takes to destroy them. When you've destroyed them all, your mission objective is complete, but it's not over yet.

A Nasty Surprise

You've thwarted the NEXUS plan to launch the missiles, but they still have an underground nuclear warhead that will detonate in 20 minutes. Unfortunately, the transports can't fly in and evacuate your units. Instead, you must get them to a small valley in the northeastern part of the expanded map. The enemy has several units and defensive towers along the way. The best strategy is to organize all your units, including trucks, into one large group and send it to the safe area. Use your VTOLs for one quick run at a good target. The area is filled with SAMs, so one run is probably all they'll get. There's no way to rescue them, so send them out in a blaze of glory. Your units will fire on the enemy automatically as they head for the objective. Once there, you may need to send a few north to take out a couple of Rocket Towers that can fire down into the valley and cause damage to your units. When all your remaining units are at the designated point, the mission will end.

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