Alpha 12: Входящая передача

Time limit: 2 hours

Advance to the База

You finally have the opportunity to wipe the Новый Paradigm out of the sector. Before you head off on the away mission, begin researching the Тяжелая пушка and then use it to replace the Средняя пушка on your tanks. Загрузить up a truck and nine тяжелый combat units onto a transport and take off. The LZ is located in the southwest corner of the map. You must make your way across this island to the enemy base in the northeast. However, the LZ must be defended. Bring in another load of combat units as your truck begins constructing a Ремонтная мастерская and some defenses. Position your combat units near the two openings northeast of the LZ. The Новый Paradigm sends an un-welcoming committee before long.

After you have three loads of combat units at the LZ, bring in a Миномёт group. Leave a group behind while the Миномёт and the other two groups head east. There's an outpost to the east. It's well defended by bunkers and Towers. Use the Mortars to reduce the Towers first, then slowly pick away at the bunkers. Finally, move a combat group in to mop up. You find an Артефакт that allows you to research Ховер Technology.

Begin your slow advance up the narrow neck of land leading north. Along the way, you run into bunkers and Towers, both in your path and off on islands to the sides. Take these out with Mortars while your combat groups provide protection against enemy units. You come across a series of major defensive works. The bunkers are difficult to take out, so take your time and let the Mortars do their job, occasionally throwing in the other units to help out. During this time, continue to bring in reinforcements. The enemy will make several counterattacks against you. While the main force is advancing up the island, you can begin making some raids on the enemy. Строительство some Ховер units with Heavy Cannons and send them around to the east, then north to attack the enemy LZ on the plateau. Also design Heavy Миномёт and Sensor Ховер units and use them to bombard the enemy from offshore. Ховер units aren't as strong as your other units, so try to keep them out of major firefights as much as possible.

Into the База

After you've broken through the first line of defenses at point, move toward the base entrance. Бомбард the defenses, then rush in to begin destroying the structures. By now the counterattacks should come to an end, especially if you took control of the LZ. Use your Ховер Миномёт group to begin attacking defensive structures south of the enemy headquarters at point 5. Meanwhile, your main attack force begins its advance from the west after destroying all of the structures and defenses. The remainder of the mission is a bombardment by your Mortars. Wipe out the headquarters on top of the hill in the northeast to complete the mission.

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