Alpha 6: Enemy attack

Time limit: 2 hours

Defend the База

This mission is quite large. You have a lot of enemies to kill. The Новый Paradigm is establishing a large base to the east of your base. Hopefully you were able to repair most or all of your units before the end of the last mission. If not, do so now. Send all of your undamaged units to the gap east of your base. They quickly come in contact with a Новый Paradigm attack force. Defeat the force and then press on toward the southern map edge. While this is taking place, begin producing new units. Form three groups of 10 combat units and one group of Mortars with a Sensor юнит. Keep one group back to defend the base.

The enemy has probably attacked your Нефтяная вышка in the south. Send one group to take it back and bring a truck down to rebuild the Derrick if it was destroyed. Position your groups at the mouth of the canyon leading to the east. This is where the enemy must advance to get to your base. By setting up a forward defense here, your base remains safe. There are numerous technologies to research during this mission. It's a good idea to construct a second Исследовательская лаборатория to increase your studies. Some of the technologies that will be helpful are the Завод upgrades, the Средняя пушка, and the Кобра Средняя Body.

Вкл the Offensive

Send a single, fast юнит down the canyon to locate the enemy. Several enemy units will come after it. Bring it back and let the combat groups clear the canyon. Then bring the Sensor юнит forward to target defensive structures such as Bunkers and Towers for the Миномёт group. Assign one of the combat groups to defend the Sensor юнит. This narrow pass can be deadly, so take it slowly and methodically. Once you clear it, the path opens up so you can deploy more units for the advance.

Position your combat groups to protect the Миномёт group as it slowly clears a path to the east of all enemy structures. There are numerous MG Towers and bunkers as well as Flame Towers and Rocket Pits waiting to attack your forces. After you have advanced all the way to the southeast, it's time to check your status. Most of your groups will have several casualties. Hopefully, most made it back to your base and the Ремонтная мастерская. Check at the base and bring the repaired units back up to the front to restore the groups' strength.

Use your Mortars to bombard the defenses a bit to the north, including the Танковая ловушка. Keep your combat groups back and out of the way except when they must defend your Sensor units. Destroy everything here and recover any Artifacts. If possible, form a fourth combat group and send all four toward the Paradigm LZ in the northeast. After you locate defensive structures, hold and bring up the Миномёт groups. Бомбард the defenses, then rush all four groups toward the LZ. Just north of the LZ is a Генератор энергии that must be destroyed as well. With the LZ in your control, the enemy can't bring in new units to this point. As you're taking the LZ, you also should assault the hilltop outpost west of the LZ. It has a lot of defenses, so use the Mortars to bring the walls down. This plateau, once captured, will serve as a staging area for the next advance.

By this time, the Новый Paradigm forces are boxed in. Send a combat group and a Миномёт group north to take out the Мусорщик outpost near the map edge. Then use all your Mortars to begin taking out the defenses north of the main base in the center. After the defenses are down, rush a group into the base to destroy all the structures, including the objective, and recover any Artifacts. The second LZ is located further south. Wipe it out to complete the mission.

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