Gamma 1: Establish a forward base

Secure the LZ

Your first load of units arrives at a hot LZ. Enemy Киборги lie just to the north. Group your combat units and send them to drive off the enemy as the trucks get to work. Construct a Ремонтная мастерская north of the LZ, followed by a Командный центр, Генератор энергии, Завод, and Cyborg Завод. A couple of enemy Oil Derricks lie just north of the LZ. Destroy them, and then use them to generate power for your needs. Begin producing Киборги for dealing with enemy units and powerful vehicles for taking out structures.

The enemy has two small bases in the northwest and the northeast and a main base in the southwest. The enemy will attack your forward base from both north and west, so position your units at these base entrances and build defensive structures.

Begin the Advance

As more reinforcements arrive, you can send a combat group of around 10 units north along the eastern map edge. They'll locate a couple more enemy Oil Derricks and eventually the first base. Begin attacking some of the defensive structures, but pull back for repairs before you lose too many units. When you have enough units repaired, send another group to continue the attack on the base in the northeast. After eliminating the enemy presence in this corner of the map, build another Генератор энергии, Нефтяная вышка, Ремонтная мастерская, and another Завод. If you want, this area is great for a ВВС base with a ВВС Завод and several Rearming Pads.

Your next target is the base in the northwest. Stage your attack from the northeast. You'll need a fairly large and powerful group. Head up the narrow pass east of the base and enter through the gap near the northern map edge. As before, you must make more than one attempt. As you attack the first two bases, your trucks at the LZ can begin constructing Гаубица emplacements and Ripple Rocket batteries just out of sight. When you've built several, construct a Сенсорная башня and Counter Battery Tower on the hill west of the LZ. (A small ramp near the southern map edge leads up the hill.)

Your artillery begins bombarding the main enemy base automatically. NEXUS has CB Towers, however, and their artillery will return fire. That's why you don't want to build towers until after you've built several emplacements. If you begin firing piecemeal, the enemy will knock them out as fast as you can build them. Repair and rebuild the emplacements and batteries that are hit.

Now all that remains is the main Nexus base. Send a group to wipe out the few towers and defensive structures between north of the base. Then assemble two large groups and attack the base from north and east simultaneously. This prevents the enemy from concentrating its defenses on just one side. If you take a lot of damage, pull back both groups for repairs, and then send them in again. If you have some VTOLs, use them to take out hardpoints. Once you've destroyed all enemy units and structures, the mission is complete.

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