Alpha 2: Энергия surge detected

Time limit: 1 hour

Back to the base

Well, the game's starting to get more interesting now. You have two choices of weapons: Пулемёт and Огнемёт.

As soon as this level starts, move your army slightly south of the entrance to your base, where you will encounter two bunkers (they look like shacks) and some scavengers. Flamers are especially powerful against these bunkers, so if you have some, try it out.

If you're having trouble, retreat to the MG towers you built earlier (you did build those when we told you to, right?)

Once the two bunkers are down, press south to the first enemy base.

Destroy more outposts

If you have flame tanks leading the charge, then just head straight into the base. If not, then have your tanks skirt southeast from the small chokepoint, and then have them head west, shooting up the towers and base buildings with your whole force, rather than one tank at a time. The base holds upgrades for your flamers.

Высокотемпературный огнемётный гель$18
  • Улучшения flamer damage to 130%
* Высокотемпературный огнемётный гель Mk2$37
  • Улучшения flamer damage to 160%
* Высокотемпературный огнемётный гель Mk3$75
  • Улучшения flamer damage to 190%

You should be able to take out most of the structures you see in the picture before your force is depleted (read: retreated) enough to make it unusable. You may run into some units coming from the west, but you should be able to take care of them as well.

Вкл your second pass, get on the hill in the bottom left of the above picture, and pick up the sensor research from it. Then, get your tanks back down.

Башня с датчиком$28
* Сенсорная башня$28

If you feel like it, have your trucks put a couple MG towers in the area at the bottom right of the screenshot as well. Have your MG tanks cover them as they do so; scavengers like to pop out of the houses in that vicinity.

When the sensor tech is retrieved, and the MG towers are up, (and your tanks are suitably repaired), head west and north to the next scavenger base.

This base is outright nasty. Flamers (including one on a fire truck), a number of units, guard towers, bunkers... The best way to handle all this is with an all-MG force, set to maximum-range firing. Make sure to destroy the flamers before they get in range of you.

Once you've managed to take out the flame tower and the fire truck (and the two bunkers) guarding the ramp, this assault gets much easier; yes, they have a lot of units and buildings, but you can use the same "overpowering" strategy you've been using. Don't feel you need to produce a huge army; eight MG tanks are usually enough to get through all of Alpha 2 up to this point, with no losses.

Destroying this base yields the Спаренный пулемёт. Though not absolutely necessary, now would be a good time to recycle your MG tanks for the new TMG.

Спаренный пулемёт$37

Regroup, and it's time to head south to the next base.

This base may look less nasty than the previous one, but they have a lot of units that will attack you as you approach it.

It may take two or three push-retreats, but taking this base is otherwise no different than taking the others. There will be a Энегертический блок artifact here.

You may be tempted to leave the circled structure alive so that you can use your leftover time to rebuild, research, etc, but it is unnecessary - the first half of the next stage is untimed.

Энегертический блок$37

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