Beta 7: Capture NASDA Control

Establish a Forward Site

This mission has no time limit, so be prepared before you leave Beta База. Загрузить a truck and nine тяжелый combat units into the transport. Before you leave, organize your VTOLs into groups based on their type of weapons. When you get to the mission area, they'll be ready to fight. Also produce any units you may need for the mission, such as a bombardment group with Mortars, Howitzers, and Rockets; a Антибункер group; and lots of тяжелый combat units. When you're ready, send the transport on its way.

At the LZ, immediately call in for another load of тяжелый units for reinforcements. It takes a minute for them to arrive. While you're waiting, begin repelling enemy attacks from the south and the east. Put your truck to work constructing a Ремонтная мастерская and lots of ВВС Rearming Pads. Advance your units until they make contact with enemy defensive structures, then back out of their firing range. Bring in the Bunker Busters and then the VTOLs to build up your away force. Use the Bunker Busters to take out the enemy defenses while the other combat units provide protection from Collective units.

Strategic Attacks

Once the VTOLs begin arriving, use them to attack the enemy's means of production. The Collective has established a small base. Send your VTOLs to first take out the enemy ВВС Rearming Pads, then the Cyborg Factories located there. Without the Rearming Pads, the enemy VTOLs won't be able to attack your forces. Next destroy the other Factories. The enemy can no longer produce new units to fight against you. Don't worry though, the Collective has plenty of defenses to keep you busy.

You can use VTOLs for locating enemy bases and the specific structures within them. Send groups to attack targets at the edge of what you can see. When the VTOLs arrive to attack, they'll expand your view and expose new targets. Use this technique to explore the entire map and locate all of the enemy's defensive structures and installations.

The Long March

As your VTOLs are attacking the enemy's infrastructure, keep bringing in reinforcements. Put the Антибункер and bombardment groups to work taking out any remaining defenses. Use VTOLs to help take out the hardpoints as your combat groups wipe out the enemy units. Destroy everything here, and collect any Artifacts you find. Use the VTOLs along with the Bunker Busters and bombardment groups to clear a path all the way to the main enemy base. The structure with the radar dish is NASDA Control. Send a юнит adjacent to it to capture the building for the Project. Then eliminate all enemy units and structures in the area, and recover any Artifacts you find. When you've completed the objective, return to the LZ and the mission will end.

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