Beta 8: Satellite Uplink site

Defend the LZ

You have only 60 minutes to complete your mission, but this is more than enough time. In fact, spend at least 10 minutes at Beta База in preparation. Утилизировать some of your older units and produce new ones. When you're ready, load a truck and nine тяжелый combat units aboard the transport and take off. As soon as your forces land, call in three more loads of тяжелый combat units. Construct a Ремонтная мастерская and several defensive structures around the LZ to protect against attacks. The Collective will try to overwhelm you by attacking from one side, then the other, and finally both sides at once. The key to success is to keep the reinforcements coming and keep repairing your damaged units before they can be completely destroyed.

There are three enemy bases in this area. The main base is located north of the LZ. However, the Satellite Uplink is located in a smaller base in the northwest corner. You can completely ignore the small base in the northeast, though some of the attack will come from here. Once the attacks against the LZ have subsided, send a group towards the northwest base. While it's locating the small base, transport in a group of Bunker Busters.

Once the combat groups have eliminated all Collective units along the path, send in the Bunker Busters to begin reducing the defenses around the small base. Destroy all structures inside, including the Satellite Uplink, and recover the Artifacts left behind. When you've accomplished these tasks, return to the LZ to end the mission

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